The Perfect Club :-)
Faster and faster until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death.
Being a little biased towards Honda Blackbirds, I thought that I would post this photo of the perfect ‘Birds at Rest’.
BMW = Bavarian Motor (doesn’t) Work
It just stopped Boo Hoo, Sniffle!!
Something in here… Shortly after this photo was taken, Brizzer had a knee explosion that nearly took him out.
Scrounger showing great sympathy (NOT) but he is looking a bit stumpy.
Ray & Young Ray, Brizzer’s little helpers. Great example of the generosity and kindness that still exists in country Australia. Thanks Ray/Young Ray.
The Power of One, a good book but not good enough in this case.
Is there anybody out there? (Lyrics courtesy of Pink Floyd)
How much to buy a friend?
A beautiful relationship begins. Tony blows Briz a $110 kiss.
One horse (man/boy) power.
Does my bum look big in this truck?
Tucking the baby in.
Panorama of the drama. The travelling public could have been forgiven for thinking the worst!
There is a slight technical hitch with the audio on this clip, it is NOT Harry the Hamster 🙂
The continuing adventures of NIGE
Trip: 1340 kms round trip from my place. A fair ride in 3 days.

Narrabi, Coonamble and the BMW rides home on a truck.
Photos of the early part of the ride.
The Tourist Hotel Narrabri. Our digs for night one.
The boys still in riding gear on the veranda.
BMW luggage is great. It bites!
Nige, Scrounger and Brizzer wondering who has the coolest head wear.
A good value $3 breakfast at Subway before hitting the frog and toad.
Nige cleaning the ‘Bird’s screen in Wee Waa.
Gee Nige you should ask permission before taking pics of old men in the shower we don’t even know!
One of the main reasons for the journey was to enjoy a soak in the Burren Junction hot bore baths.
Lots of grey nomads enjoy the health benefits of the hot baths and take advantage of the free camping.
Scrounger preferred dry relaxing.
The boys ready to head on.
The world out here is flat.
Baron demonstrates the vast flatness of the scenery.
Nige trying to recall the last hill he saw.
Pie V2
Some of us went for a ride to RoadWarriors and then on to Pie in the Sky.
Brizzer with his eskimo gear on.
Star Wars characters?
Brizzer working the chair.
Steve Bisley on the prowl.
The likely lads.
Why is there a line across your neck? Neat leather beanie!
Saw some tidy machines!
Two Thruxtons. One a Velocette.
The other a Triumph (well a good try any way).
Guy sat on this Guzzi for ages – his knee had locked up and he couldn’t get off till it started working again.
Met this fellow who was giving up smoking. But Brettski helped him out by GIVING him a cig and helped himself by letting Nige hide his ciggies.
Took this little beastie for a ride. The guy will sell it to another shop for $7500 but will only sell to me for $7990. Tosser!
Edit by Nige: He means he took the bike for a ride, the guy he mentions as a Tosser is actually a salesman not either person actually ON the bike.
Nige Scroungers a Pie
Scrounger enjoying a cup of coffee and thinking how lucky we were to escape ‘The Man’.
Can-Am Spyder. What will they come up with next?
The Pie Shop
Scrounger in amongst them.
Scrounger and Ally with her new ‘baby’.
Onto ‘The RoadWarriors’ for another visit to the little boys room 🙂
I DO like these things!
Update: Departing from Hungry Jacks at Tuggerah at 9:00am
Only 1,667 km – about 21 hours 49 mins at the speed limit over 4 days (400kms a day)
Premise of this direction for the ride is that it will/may be warmer and drier than heading down South West. We’ll see what the Big Fella has in store for us.
A-B Day 1, Bikes will depart on Friday 11th July at 9am from Sparks Road Carpark and head to Burren Junction (maybe Narrabri if we are knackered) by a route to be argued over.
B-C Day 2, Saturday 12th July will be riding to the back of Bourke and maybe finally seeing the ‘Black Stump’ if Brizzer doesn’t wave us on past it 🙂
C-D Day 3, Sunday 13th July will be riding down to the beautiful country city of Dubbo for an overnight stay.
D-E Day 4, Monday 14th July will enjoy the ride home.
This is not a sewage treatment plant OR a horse exercising pool, it is the luxurious Burren Junction Bore.
THE BLACK STUMP (We may never see it)
Beyond the black stump is a favourite old Aussie saying.It basically means beyond the back blocks, far off in the backcountry, far from civilization.
Like other early Aussie sayings such as never-never country and beyond the Wallaby, beyond the black stump was an attempt to describe and give a sense of place, to what many believed was indescribable – those endless plains of inland Australia. And when people use the term two questions always arise; is there a black stump? And if there is, where is it? Well there is a black stump, and you can find its remains at Blackall in central Queensland, over 1000 kilometres west of Brisbane.
The saying came about after a group of surveyors arrived on Astro station near Blackall, in 1887. The surveyors used a blackened tree stump as the base for their measuring equipment. The equipment was so large the tree stump was the most secure base around. The surveyors were at Astro station to take longitudinal and latitudinal observations, which were to be used in the accurate mapping of inland Australia. From there they were able to fix the position of all the major towns of southern Queensland.
Before long people considered anything west of Blackall to be – beyond the black stump
Brizzer’s Grandchild number 3. Olivia Amy Louise Caldwell (Looie)