Putty Road

Wiseman’s Ferry

Scoot running his fingers through his flowing locks and Nige.

Sackville Ferry

All of the above are Nige being Nige

Halfway house lunch break

Nige takes a nice shot of Mr and Mrs Brizzer

Look.. he says he wants a Harley but this is what he is really hankering for.

Scoot bravely fronting the pumps

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The next Nige ride?

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First destination was Wiseman’s Ferry for a rest, fuel and and a bite to eat.
On to the ferry again and down to St. Albans for a beer and a look around.
Headed back towards Wiseman’s Ferry on the other ‘sealed’ road and ended up at a different ferry, Webbs Creek.
After this crossing, there was a choice of left to Wiseman’s Ferry or right to Lower Portland. We turned right on another ‘sealed’ road and eventually ended up at the Sackville Ferry. Some really nice country and roads around here. Off the ferry and down the road to eventually end up at Windsor for more food and a break.
Tossed up as to which way to head home but decided against traffic on Old Windsor Road etc: or heading up towards Singleton and headed back towards Wiseman’s Ferry (again). Great run back with a turn off and up Bumble Hill, through Yarramalong and Wyong and finally home with about 430k’s for the day.

Happy to be alive :-)

Happy to be alive πŸ™‚

Scoot keen to get started.

Scoot keen to get started.

Nige similarly excited.

Nige similarly excited.

On one of the many ferry rides.

On one of the many ferry rides.

Looking back to the ferry.

Looking back to the ferry.

Stopped for a really tough hot chocolate.

Stopped for a really tough hot chocolate.

Scoot buying a couple of tough lite beers.

Scoot buying a couple of tough lite beers.

Great old pub, worth a look.

Great old pub, worth a look.

St Albans Pub.

St Albans Pub.

Bikes waiting patiently.

Bikes waiting patiently.

A different ferry to ride.

A different ferry to ride.

Scoot looking the part.

Scoot looking the part.

Nige at Windsor, nice pies and hot chocolate.

Nige at Windsor, nice pies and hot chocolate.

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A New NIGE – Scoot

Welcome to our newest ‘NIGE MC’ member, Scoot.

Scoot and uh........ his scooter!

Scoot and uh........ his scooter!

Finally found some competition Nige!

See, I told you he was a real Nige.

See, I told you he was a real Nige.

The 'Bird centre stage where it belongs.

A Honda Super Blackbird belonging to Nige in centre stage where it belongs πŸ™‚

Ah, I think Scoot has centre stage and rightly so.

Scoot with a full belly and a new respect for seagulls.

Scoot with a full belly and a new respect for the speed of seagulls.

Wonder what all the world's workers were doing?

Wonder what all the world's workers were doing?


Futuristic Honda

This interesting thing turned up at Wollombi when Brettski and some of the Ulysses crew went out for a spin.

Brettski can fill in the details here but is only a 700cc, can be ridden as an automatic and is incredibly low for a bike of its size.

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Breakfast Run

Scrounger praying for a Blackbird.

Scrounger praying for a Blackbird.

The men of mystery and intrigue.

The men of mystery and intrigue.

FJR's looking good, nearly as good as the 'Bird.

FJR's looking good, nearly as good as the 'Bird.

BMW's with no friends.

BMW's with no friends.

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Jerry’s to Wollombi

Stumpy Scrounger and his new bike at the servo.

Scrounger and his new bike at the servo.

Lowest speed machine first in line.

The 'Bumble Bee'.

But how we love the curves πŸ™‚

Scrounger being a real 'Nige'

Scrounger being a real 'Nige'

A reunion of sorts.

A reunion of sorts.

A good show of newish bikes at Jerry's.

A good show of newish bikes at Jerry's.

Some arty farty stuff at Jerry's.

Some arty farty stuff at Jerry's.

Brettski surrounded by all his friends at Wollombi.

Brettski surrounded by all his friends at Wollombi.

Million dollar mile, this 'Busa' belongs to John from the Ulysses.

Million dollar mile, this 'Busa' belongs to John from the Ulysses.

Briz before the inhale.

Briz before the inhale.

Briz after the inhale.

Briz after the inhale.

The gathering at Wollombi Pub.

The gathering at Wollombi Pub.

It is only because he is a cripple that we tolerate this childish behaviour.

It is only because he is a cripple that we tolerate this childish behaviour.

Sorry Lou.

And the coloured girls sing, “Doo do do doo do do….”

Lou Reed.

Nige Reed

Nige Reed

Brizzer and Mrs Brizzer enjoying lunch minus the chips that Brizzer didn't want.

Brizzer and Mrs Brizzer enjoying lunch minus the chips that Brizzer didn't want.

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Scrounger’s new ride

Scrounger and Nige travelled to the far flung centre of Edgeworth (using my amazing sense of direction) to retrieve Scounger’s new ride. Poor thing has no idea how many he has ridden before πŸ™‚

The very first photo of Scrounger on his new ride.

The very first photo of Scrounger on his new ride.

I’m thinking that red helmet is way too bright for the “old man” grey colour of the machine… Briz.

A pigeon pair :-)

A pigeon pair πŸ™‚

OK. that’s why you have a rack… to carry your…er…um…. rack…Briz.

Scrounger and his new ride

Scrounger and his new ride

Will look very good with a grey matching helmetΒ Β  πŸ™‚ Briz.

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Son of NIGE

Youngest Nige on his new Virago

Son of Nige on his new Virago

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Nige MC Monthly Meeting

Become a card carrying member of Nige MC - join us this Wednesday 6 August, 7pm at Scrounger's garage - I'd be thinkin!

Become a card carrying member of Nige MC - join us this Wednesday 6 August, 7pm at Scrounger's garage - I'd be thinkin!

Come along for a fun filled night of frivolity including a free sausage sizzle, handout of ‘new’ club patches and fittings for the much sought after ‘NIGE MC’ sloppy joes.

Points of discussion will include plans for an overnight ride to Bendemeer Pub and a coffee/breakfast run this Sunday.

Bendemeer Pub, recommended by Patto.

Bendemeer Pub, recommended by Patto.

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