Mudgee Ride – 9th, 10th & 11th October
For those of you planning on going on the “Return to Mudgee” Ride – some more detail:
Day 1 – Thursday 9 October:
Meet at Jerrys Cafe 9.30am for 9.45am leave.
Through to Broke via Wollombi – Golden Hwy with 1st stop Denman.
Onto Ulan Rd. turn-off just past Cassillis and take this right through to Mudgee.
Find Pub accommodation for night 1 (let Day 2 riders know where we booked in) – drinks, food, sleep!
Day 2 – For those of us in Mudgee – we head slightly north to take Hill End Rd turn-off and follow that south right through to Sofala & back onto Castlereagh Hwy. Head north slightly to take Bylong Rd turn-off and head back up through Rylstone, Crowee, Bylong etc until we get back onto Ulan Rd for short ride back into Mudgee.
Must be back in Mudgee for 4.30pm arrival of those riders only doing one night. Meet fellow travellers at pub for drinks, meal, fun & sleep.
Day 3 – Return to Central Coast – riders can choose whichever route they like e.g back via Bathurst, Lithgow, Windsor or back via Golden Hwy.
Please let us know if: a) you’re joining us & b) if you’re doing one or two nights?