Bathurst MotoGP

Planned ride to the Knickerbocker in Bathurst for this years Australian MotoGP. 18th, 19th & 20th October

Saturday kickoff, 8:00am at Tuggerah Maccas for a 9am start. Broke, Bylong Valley Way, Sofala etc.

Sunday am ride before the races (all 3 classes on TV)

Monday, ride the reverse home.

Let Lucky know if you are interested or leave a comment here.


North Coast

Madge and I packed our winter woolies, donned multiple layers and headed north.

First stop was Gloucester where a hot drink at The Roadwarriors Cafe was useful in warming the cockles of the heart.


Onward and upwards to the lookout


before arriving in Walcha where it wasn’t very cold overnight at all.


The next morning after the bike thawed out, we headed for Casino and some lunch in town at the bakery.


We pushed on with a full stomach towards Bangalow and stopped for a bit of a squiz.


Back on the bike and on to Byron Bay and our accommodation for a couple of days.


Off to the Beachie for dinner and a few ales.


The next day was an opportunity to tick a few Tommy Tourist boxes.


One of the extremities ticked off.


On the tortuous path up to the lighthouse.


Having some yuppie coffees.

Off to Nimbin via Minyon Falls and The Channon on some terrific roads.


They didn’t have to tell us twice 😉


Surely we can fit even more stuff on the GS?


We were offered drugs here.


Best view in town of baggies and cookies. Put the camera away.

Gotta put this cliche photo in.

Out to Kyogle where there was a million bikes for some reason. Couldn’t find out what the ride was. South to Casino and Grafton to end up at Coffs Harbour.


The shopping trolley at Coffs motel.


Continued to Bellingen and the Old Butter Factory where some more goods were added to the bike.


Really impressive building inside and out. Emporiums are rare.


Ebor Falls on the way to Bendemeer via Dorrigo and Armidale. It was coooooooling down.


Spent the night at Bendemeer Pub with a few ales to keep us warm but woke up the next morning to an ice covered landscape shrouded in fog.

Waited around for it to warm above zero and decided not to risk heading back towards Walcha and Gloucester. The warning lights on the Beemer were going ballistic.


Eventually went down the New England to Tamworth where the fog quickly lifted and the world turned a warmer place thankfully.

Sidetrack to Gresford to check out a campground and then home.



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Ride this Sunday 27July

Forget the Ulysses boys, Niges ride again!!! I’m so pumped for a ride down the Putty to the Greygums I don’t know where to begin. Perhaps Tuggerah at 8.30 and leave at 9. All welcome.

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Top speed comparison at Mugello

Best and worst top speeds for all three classes after Friday free practice (2) for the Italian Grand Prix at Mugello, which contains the quickest straight on the calendar.

Fastest: Hector Barbera (Ducati) 346.7km/h (215.4mph)
Slowest: Danilo Petrucci (Ioda CRT) 302.6km/h (188.0mph)

Fastest: Pol Espargaro (Pons Kalex) 289.9km/h (180.1mph)
Slowest: Elena Rosell (Moriwaki) 271.7km/h (168.8mph)

Fastest: Arthur Sissis (KTM) 233.9km/h (145.3mph)
Slowest: Danny Webb (Mahindra) 218.8km/h (136.0mph)

* All Moto2 riders use a control Honda engine.

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Greygums on Wednesday

Just a late one about a ride to Greygums this Wednesday 23April meeting at Maccas Tuggerah at 8.30 and leaving at 9. God Bless.

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Decision made!

Sell the Storm, trade the Storm, keep the Storm, keep the Storm and buy a KLunkeR, trade the Storm in on a Cruiser but not a Harley (never a Harley), sell the Storm and buy a Blade, buy a Blade then rent a cruiser to chase a KLunkeR blah blah blah. With 50,000 km on the Storm and the obligatory offer of $4000 trade in, Ant bought himself a new XJR1300 muscle bike. It’s a beauty all dressed in black and sounds very nice with a Scorpion slip-on. Good to see he didn’t go down the cruiser path. “How do you feel on the bike” he was asked in a recent interview. “Majestic” he replied and I think that says it all.




Lane Filtering

Media Release Lane Filtering

The Minister Roads and Ports, the Honourable Duncan Gay today announced that Lane Filtering for Motorcycles in NSW will be legalised. See the Ministers Media Release at the bottom of the page.

Christopher Burns, spokesman for the Motorcycle Council of NSW (MCCofNSW) said;

“The Minister for Roads and Ports Duncan Gay, Transport for NSW and the Centre for Road Safety should be applauded for this common sense move to legalise lane filtering in NSW and the first state in Australia to do so.

Lane filtering is the practice of motorcycles moving between stopped or slow moving cars.

There are multiple benefits from lane filtering including reducing the risk of riders being caught up in a rear end collision by removing them from the danger zone. Rear enders are the most common collision in NSW and can result in a rider being severely injured.

Lane filtering has been common practice for motorcycle riders across the country and overseas for decades. The benefits of Lane Filtering have been internationally recognised as a solution to traffic congestion in built up areas and will assist in relieving congestion issues on NSW’s major and minor routes thereby assisting drivers with their daily commutes.

Ultimately riders are doing drivers a big fat favour by lane filtering and reducing congestion for all.

This also highlights the fact that the community consultation process in NSW is alive and well.”

Lane Filtering also has the benefit of reducing congestion as motorcycles are not taking up the equivalent of a car space and with close to 4,000 motorcycles travelling into the Sydney CBD every weekday one can easily estimate the benefits to car drivers.”

Encouraging the use of motorcycles and scooters in Central Business Districts also relieves parking issues for local councils as five motorcycles will fit in the space of a single car.

Drivers are urged to watch both their mirrors and look for motor bikes filtering through the traffic and riders are advised that if it looks risky, it probably is, so manage your risk and ride accordingly.

Full details of the lane filtering implementation can be found at the Transport for NSW website.


Off to Greygums

Next Sunday 16Feb. Meet at Maccas Tuggerah 8 for 8.30 takeoff. Lovely.

Weather closing in. Reschedule to Sunday 2 March. Hope no one put out. Lovely.

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Happy With That. Victoria: January 2014.

So we left Maccas about 9ish on Tuesday 7th Jan for another look at more Victorian roads. This time it was Moey, Sideways, DD, and Lucky. The weather was a bit dour on departure and drizzly rain accompanied us (nice use of personification giving a sense of friendly comradeship with the elements) all the way to Mount Victoria. We were hoping to run into the big guy again but, sadly, he wasn’t around. Though still, literally, around that poor old green KLunkeR I’ll bet, tee hee.

A quiet empty space where the big guy once sat.

A quiet empty space where the big guy once sat.

Anyway, leaving the mountains and heading southwards we spent an eventful day losing and finding each other all the way to Culcairn. Moey loves to hide behind billboards and such and giggle as we sail blissfully past, “Corner markers are for poofs” he reckons and we all agreed despite our collective inability to stick together for more than about ten minutes. Doesn’t matter because we did eventually regather at the pub with DD arriving about an hour ahead of us having chosen to ignore our plans to meet up in Wagga. Doesn’t matter.

The Culcairn pub has new owners but still looked after us very well. $50 this time but the rooms were good and the showers were just lovely. We didn’t actually get there till 7 so by the time we had a beer and a shower and some dinner it was pretty much goodnight everyone. Sideways was pretty keen to see the staircase again because apparently it came from an old shipwreck and had been lovingly restored at some cost for the pub. I reckon Bunnings could knock something up at half the price but there you go, doesn’t matter.

Very nice actually.

Very nice actually.

Out back of the pub and ready to head off.

Out back of the pub and ready to head off.

A hop step and jump into Victoria through Corowa and found ourselves in the West Gippsland region and Buxton (at least that’s what my smartphone pictures tell me) when Moey took us up a dirt road to this triple story railway something or other. Pretty impressive and we really spent some time figuring out how the weight distribution and physics of the whole thing kept it upright. We all pretended to understand but Sideways the builder is probably the only one who got it. Anyway, doesn’t matter because it looked good.

It's called the Noojee Trestle Bridge actually

It’s called the Noojee Trestle Bridge actually

On and on we went climbing up and through some spectacular roads and found our way eventually to Maffra. Prior to this an unexpected last second turn off the highway for fuel left Sideways stranded on that same highway and unable to turn around. “Anyone know if Bobby knows where we are supposed to meet at some point?” one of asked as we stopped in Benalla to top up. “Yeah, no send him a text” Well we did and headed off to Euroa  where the text said we’d wait for him. When we got to Euroa and checked for a reply it said, “I’m in Benalla”. Apparently he had managed to circle back to find us gone and then got booked for speeding in his attempts to catch up. The same cop who pulled him over had let us pass with just a flash of his headlights just fifteen minutes earlier. Sideways was, understandably, not happy but kept a brave face for the rest of the trip.

The Macalister pub in Maffra was pretty good and had small glasses of beer to drink from. Just like last time but that doesn’t matter; we just had more. Goodo, now the rooms were ok but it only had one toilet and shower for the six or so rooms it had. We managed though and it was only $40 from memory.

The pub was pretty good.

The pub was pretty good.

Muscle bikes. Timeless masterpieces.

Muscle bikes. Timeless masterpieces.

Lucky wouldn’t shut up about his fancy shmancy Pro-Oiler that had come with the Bandit muscle bike. Experimenting with varying flow rates that could be adjusted from the handlebar mounted controller saw him up the “delivery speed” from its normal position of 3 up to 7 to see if it made any real difference. It did. Mind you I still think it spewed out less oil from the rear than DD’s old “Red Ripper” which leaked more than the Exxon Valdez. DD also had a little oopsy along the Alpine Way where Vic Roads had thrown copious amounts of loose stones along 10 k’s of otherwise beautiful bends. He managed to stay upright though. Then there was some horrible dirt section after the turn off to Falls Creek but we also survived that.

A bit superfluous to needs but those Victorian twisties kept the edges of the tread pretty clean.

A bit superfluous to needs but those Victorian twisties kept the edges of the tread pretty clean.

Oil spattered rear end or not, we had more fun on the Alpine Way as we headed up through Omeo and Corryong and back into NSW where they don’t hide speed cameras in trees or abandoned tractors and whatnot. It felt like we had masterminded an escape from Alcatraz. Tumut was just delightful and the weather was again kind (More personification that gives a sense of welcome and affability). It’s soft breeze met us with a gentle kiss (getting the idea now?) as we removed our helmets for the last time that day.

The Woolpack Hotel was great. Again, $50 for the night but this also included a TV in your room. Shared facilities were clean and plentiful. Again, the long day riding left us a little weary so we didn’t stray far from the premises. Sometimes we remind me of a pet cat that just pokes its head out the door for a quick look around before scuttling back inside. Never mind, doesn’t matter.

The Woolpack. There is beer inside.

The Woolpack. There is beer inside.

A glorious aerial view of Sideways and DD

A glorious aerial view of Sideways and DD


Ok so on day 4 we headed north and stopped somewhere near Yass for breakfast. That DD’s a scallywag. Despite all warnings to turn off mobile phones around petrol bowsers, DD thought it a good idea to not only call Julianne whilst near a bowser but actually lean on it for the whole conversation. “Shouldn’t one of us tell him to move clear” a worried Moey proposed. “Nuh, this could be hilarious.” replied both Sideways and Lucky simultaneously and hooked pinky fingers for their secret wish. Both probably hoping for a spectacular fireball at DD’s expense. Just for a bit of a giggle and the money to be made on youtube for filming it. It didn’t blow up so that was good I suppose. Doesn’t matter.

I could have made a fortune when this went viral.

I could have made a fortune when this went viral.

Up along the Abercrombie road and into Oberon where we stopped for lunch.

Sittin' and thinkin' about pies.

In Oberon Sittin’ and thinkin’ about pies.

Back up through Mount Victoria, Wiseman’s Ferry and home by 3. Lost sight of Moey and Sideways for a while but caught up at the Ourimbah turnoff from the freeway. I don’t think they saw us but we waved a hearty farewell to them anyway. Doesn’t matter, the love is still there. Moey did a great job as ride leader with a GPS that more often than not gives him the middle finger. And Bright? Well once again that sultry mistress beckoned to Dave but wouldn’t surrender him access to her most private parts.




Lucky’s New Ride

When is enough, enough? Never. I thought it might be nice to have something with a whole heap of carrying capacity for those long four day rides without being stretched over the tank like a medieval rack. The 08 Bandit has it all: Givi hard panniers with a Ventura rack; ABS; radiator guard, Pro-oiler for the chain; Yoshi exhaust; and other bits and pieces. Bought it from a bloke up here at a good price because the GFC screwed him over and he needs the cash. Sad farewells for him. Felt a bit sorry for him but perked up once I felt the grunt of this thing. Still keeping the Busa and the KLunkeR of course.



Yeah Bewdy

Yeah Bewdy

Lucky's stable.

Lucky’s stable.