Last ride to Road Warriors.
If you go on the correct day there are lots of people!
- Just checking that you can add a caption to a lazily 🙂 inserted gallery image.
If you go on the correct day there are lots of people!
No wonder the guy at the pub said he liked my shirt!
But I will need to start wearing some sunnies.
Our bikes are so fast they even look fast when they are standing still!
Brizzer having a Gaytime as Mrs Brizzer always suspected.
Wise Dave (DD) and Nige braved dubious weather and traversed the roads to the halfway house on Putty Road, had lunch and headed home via Wollombi. One bike even kept going the whole way 🙂
DD wishing HE had ridden the Blackbird.
Well fellow NIGE riders, time for us all to hit the road.
DD with the calm before the storm.
Nige abiding by the ‘No Smile Policy’
DD sending smoke signals to Mohawk for help.
Becoming a familiar sight, BMW’s broken down by the side of the road 🙂
The faithful and reliable steed awaits while trying not to be gassed 🙂
The tarmac tries to swallow the bike.
Those members who put their money on 4 months look to have taken the loot.