A New NIGE – Scoot

Welcome to our newest ‘NIGE MC’ member, Scoot.

Scoot and uh........ his scooter!

Scoot and uh........ his scooter!

Finally found some competition Nige!

See, I told you he was a real Nige.

See, I told you he was a real Nige.

The 'Bird centre stage where it belongs.

A Honda Super Blackbird belonging to Nige in centre stage where it belongs 🙂

Ah, I think Scoot has centre stage and rightly so.

Scoot with a full belly and a new respect for seagulls.

Scoot with a full belly and a new respect for the speed of seagulls.

Wonder what all the world's workers were doing?

Wonder what all the world's workers were doing?

2 Responses to “A New NIGE – Scoot”

  1. Welcome ‘Scoot’ but point of order –
    if I can’t be known as ‘the’ scrounger because of some grammatical technicality why is it our president’s ride is constantly referred to as ‘the bird’? As my learned colleague Briz would argue, surely it can only be referred to as ‘the’ bird if it were the only bird in existence. But, as we all know, there are thousands of them on the road because they were a run-out cheaper model! The prosecution rests it’s case! : }

  2. Sorry ‘A’ Scrounger, I have fixed the issue and will try to ensure that I don’t breech protocol in future. The Defence is Defenceless.

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