Scrounger’s new ride

Scrounger and Nige travelled to the far flung centre of Edgeworth (using my amazing sense of direction) to retrieve Scounger’s new ride. Poor thing has no idea how many he has ridden before ๐Ÿ™‚

The very first photo of Scrounger on his new ride.

The very first photo of Scrounger on his new ride.

I’m thinking that red helmet is way too bright for the “old man” grey colour of the machine… Briz.

A pigeon pair :-)

A pigeon pair ๐Ÿ™‚

OK. that’s why you have a rack… to carry your…er…um…. rack…Briz.

Scrounger and his new ride

Scrounger and his new ride

Will look very good with a grey matching helmetย ย  ๐Ÿ™‚ Briz.

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