
Destination: Gloucester
Riders: Patto & Mrs Patto, Brizzer and Nige

After some early morning confusion on the part of Nige (that would be Sparks Road NOT Cobbs Road), we set off up the Freeway and Pacific Highway through Hexham. Turned off the Pacific Highway up The Bucketts Way and onto Stroud.

Where is everyone?

I wish they would hurry up and get here, I’m struggling with this waiting around 🙂

Lined up at Stroub

The ‘Bird at Stroub

A hard day!

We arrived at Gloucester and promptly made our way to the pub for a lemonade and some lunch.

A beer at the pub.

We met this really mean looking man who was determined to hang around with us.

Mean Man (Girl’s Blouse)

On the way home, Brizzer had a wardrobe malfunction and the inner section of his R/H mirror fell off. We ran an emu parade only to find someone else’s mirror inner – go figure the chances on that!

A girly scenery shot

One Response to “Gloucester”

  1. The Nige (MB) theory on meeting fellow riders – bugger where they asked you to meet them find a place with a comfy lounge chair and wait there! Then ring up and ask where everybody is!
    What does MB stand for?
    BTW that is StrouD.
    And I could have dropped in on a sister-in-law who lives there.
    Patto’s bike looks good in that last photo. (the girly scenery shot)
    Still really P..ed off about the mirror and if I can’t get a replacement before next weekend won’t be going to BB. Not safe to ride without that right hand mirror.
    You don’t realise how often you use it till it’s not there.
    Will search in earnest on Monday.

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