‘The’ Scrounger at Club Night with all his mates – Classic Nige!

Scrounger trying out new the "Scrounger-Mobile" bought unseen off ebay!

Scrounger trying out the new 'Scrounger-Mobile' bought unseen off eBay!

6 Responses to “‘The’ Scrounger at Club Night with all his mates – Classic Nige!”

  1. You know that we generally disapprove of members who refer to themselves using ‘The’ anything!!

  2. This might just be the best buy that you have made from eBay Scrounger 🙂

  3. Nige – glad you both noticed & appreciated the “The” tag before Scrounger – as in ‘The Bear’ I now want to be known as ‘The Scrounger’!

  4. Scrounger when you have proof that no other living being :
    a) is named Scrounger
    b) has ever been referred to as Scrounger
    c) has any scrounging tendencies whatsoever
    THEN I will call you by other than an indefinite article.
    “A” Brizzer.

  5. Sorry I couldn’t make the club night.
    Guy who had already paid for my camper arrived to pick it up from Brisvagas.
    Arrived at 8pm.
    Didn’t see him off til after 10.00pm.
    He has messaged to say he arrived home OK which was a relief as we had jerry rigged the slide on camper onto his trailer.
    Hopefully we are re-scheduling?

  6. I have just noticed that just like your other eBay purchases, the rear wheel on this bike is not going around either 🙂

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