So Whose Really Running This Show? A Lazy one to Rylstone – January 2015

Controversial? Certainly, but with a decreasing number of weekend rides and some distances between overnighters there was always going to be trouble. When Lucky called for troops for a lazy ride out to Rylstone hands went up everywhere to join in. A new rider was invited along and, rather than wait for a club name to be initiated, proclaimed himself “Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs”No hang on ……Sorry, that should read “THE Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs.” Lucky had already aligned himself to The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs and expected a ground swell of support to challenge Nige somewhere out west.

So anyhoo we all met at the usual place: Nige, Mohawk, Killswitch, Sideways, Black Santa, Lucky, Grizzly, and The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs. Black Santa was still riding his old red bucket of bolts and was first to extend his hand in friendship, “Good morning Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs it looks like a glorious day for a ride” “Ahem” interjected Lucky, “I think you mean THE Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs don’t you Black Santa?” ‘Oh yes, yes of course. Please beg my pardon The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs. Its absolutely glorious to meet you.”

The Supreme Ruler of the Universe. An imposing figure.

The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs. An imposing figure.

With hugs and kisses attended to, the group (Still Niges at this point) headed out. Fuel at Broke then on past the farms out the back of Denman and then The Commercial hotel at Rylstone. Accomodation at $55 per night for a single room was good. Mind you all the rooms we were given had more than one bed in them and the shared facilities were good. Must remember to bring your own soap to this one because they have shower gels in the showers but these can be tricky I think. Plus I like to choose my own scent, dont you?

Nige looking presidential with The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs formulating plans.

Nige looking presidential with The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs formulating plans.

Well the beers flowed freely that afternoon and night with everyone blessing each other and more hugs and promises of friendships forever etc etc. Then Nige excused himself to go and rip one off or tear one out or hit one out of the park or whatever it is he does when he’s alone. Maybe it was just a wee, dunno, but it gave Lucky time to propose a bloodless coup. “C’mon fellas, Nige has been a great leader and we all love the little cutie pie but isn’t it time for change? What about you Johnny, are you with us?” But Killswitch remained neutral which didn’t help the cause much. “Moey, you in?  “Yeah, nail his arse to the wall!!” Said Mohawk. ” Kill him till his dead” Shouted Grizzly. “Hail The Supreme Ruler of the Universe, Hail!!” So some enthusiasm from Grizzly. Sideways ran outside to set fire to Nige’s Klunker but remembered he had no matches and returned crestfallen but the thought was there so that was nice. DD called for calm and suggested we pray on it because it was a big decision to make even though The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs really did look the duck’s nuts and seemed “An absolute ripper of a bloke”.

Then Nige came back and shouted us a beer and the coup was forgotten. Grizzly and The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs both agreed that, despite the failed coup, their first overnight ride with the Niges (if you don’t count the Klunker ride out to Grizzly’s farm) was good fun.

Nige returns to find himself still the president.

Nige returns to find himself still the president. Note the false smile from The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs.


A good night’s sleep and breakfast up the road at some la de da antiques cafe. Right next door to Rylstone “Guns and Ammmo” shop. Priceless. So off we went for the trip home. A quick stop at Broke, a longer stop at Jerry’s where Lucky and The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs discussed future possibilities.

The Supreme Ruler of the Universe leaving the Commercial Hotel. Biding his time.

The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs leaving the Commercial Hotel. Biding his time.


All up a good ride with plenty o’ controversy. Nige possibly considering whether to accept The Supreme Ruler of the Universe and its Environs is a suitable name for the newbie. I thought he was muttering something like Fairy Dust as a possible alternative but can’t be sure.

One Response to “So Whose Really Running This Show? A Lazy one to Rylstone – January 2015”

  1. Fairy Dust it is 😉

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