Back to Bathurst March 2013

It’s funny how, as we are all getting a bit older, our gatherings at Mcdonalds don’t include egg and bacon burgers, pancakes, or the like and we now eat raisin toast instead and then worry about the calories in that. I don’t know if it helps any but it’s nice we’re having a bit of a go. With that in mind, and about five loaves of raisin toast later,Nige, Lucky (Who had skim milk cappuccino and sweetener if you don’t mind), Ant, Sideways, and Mohawk retraced the January ride back to the Knickerbocker.

Splendid, just splendid.

Splendid, just splendid.

The usual route through Broke for fuel and on past Jerries Plains where there was still no coffee. Keys, oh Keys, God bless you but next time you recommend a good coffee place I’ll bring a thermos. Anyhoo, round the back of Denman we went and connected up to Bylong Valley Way where Mohawk and Sideways took off for a good blat. A quick drink as it was pretty warm and then on to Rylstone for lunch at Nige’s cousin or something’s (He did tell us but I wasn’t listening)cafe. It was nice.

Yip. The muscle bike out in front where she belongs

Yip. The muscle bike out in front where she belongs

Here’s the thing; if you leave somewhere be sure to zip all your zips. Whilst leading, Lucky’s rain pants flew out of his bag. “Did something just come out the back of your bike?” crackled Ant’s voice over the intercom. “Dunno mate. I’m facing this way.” “Right. Probably just a bit of plastic from a road sign or something.” He mused dismissively. “O.k. I’ll trust you on this one old friend” replied Lucky with full faith in his old friends judgement. Next day, after Lucky had spent some time searching his bag, he realized too late what must have happened. Sideways recalled riding over the top of them but dismissed the incident as just an old discarded pair nobody wanted. “After all Lucky, you had your old friend right there watching your back if they had been yours” Ant seemed nonplussed by the whole affair.

Wouldn't it be a hoot if something came out of Lucky's bag thinks Ant

Wouldn’t it be a hoot if something came out of Lucky’s bag thinks Ant

The Knickerbocker was wonderful, just wonderful. Comfy rooms as usual and cold beer. Ant, Nige, and Lucky stayed up way past their bedtime and drank lots and lots. Then they were woken by some drunken inbred barge-assed bogans from western somewhere at about 3am and didn’t get a wink of sleep after that.

I reckon I can get Ant and Lucky well onto the booze tonight. I love beer, I really do.

I reckon I can get Ant and Lucky well onto the booze tonight. I love beer, I really do.

And so we all turned around and rode home. Mohawke and Sideways probably felt pretty good about themselves because they “drank responsibly”. The other three made promises to themselves that they’d never do that again as it really makes it tough the next day and we should all take a leaf from the good boy’s books and go to bed at a decent hour for God’s sake because your only fooling yourself you know if you think you can keep this kind of abuse up and you’ll pay a heavy price one day my lad if you don’t straighten up and fly right my boy and you don’t have to do everything your friends do Sonny Jim just to be popular after all if they jumped off the harbour bridge would you do it to? Well..well? Probably.

Listen fellas, I can't finish this. Upset tummy. Maybe a middle ear infection perhaps.

Listen fellas, I can’t finish this. Upset tummy. Maybe a middle ear infection perhaps.

Oh....and here's a picture of Lucky rubbing one out.

Oh….and here’s a picture of Lucky rubbing one out.

One Response to “Back to Bathurst March 2013”

  1. Dickhead 🙂

    I’ll rub you out.

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