The Little Two Fity that Could.

Nige and Young Nige presently camping at Bourke on our way to Cobar and across to Broken Hill.
Today was particularly pleasant riding as it was only 39c and blowing a gale as we rode directly west into the setting sun for hours.
11:15pm as I write this and it has dropped all the way down to 32c.

Our final journey, over 3,000k on the little Virago and the only issue was a stretching chain.

The KLunkeR, of course, performed faultlessly. It ticked over to 41,000k’s on the trip.





Did I mention it was hot?



3 Responses to “The Little Two Fity that Could.”

  1. Well done Senior & Junior Nige – how good is that little 250, I reckon it’s done some awesome rides – just goes to show that size doesn’t matter! Safe riding gents!

  2. Geez. How hot was it under that hair! Enjoy the rest of the trip.

  3. An Attrilllll tradition????? Drinking a coldie with a thermometer up your arse. At least after a big day’s riding, the bike is in the shade.
    Note: I had to add ‘arse’ to my spell checker dictionary. What is wrong with this world?

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