Prostates and Prolapses.

How delightful. Poor Lucky (who can still hold his water very nicely thank you very much) heard little more than ” My bottom hurts” and ” I have to stop for a wizzy” from both Mohawk and Grizzly on what was otherwise quite a pleasant ride down through Spencer to St Albans and back over the dirt to Kulnura. Lucky’s KLunkeR with its carby and airbox now suitably re remodified and wearing new shoes started when it was supposed to and then stopped when it was supposed to thanks to its new second hand brake pedal ebayed in from some recycling place in Alabama (The old one was never quite the same since the Watagan debacle where Lucky fell down). Anyhoo there we were in St Albans having ridden the mossy roads of Wisemans Ferry and some fairly easy dirt sections when we run across a lone rider on a green KLunker just like Lucky’s. Poor bastard never knew what hit him. Mohawk practically stripped the fellows bike down to bare metal and explained every nook and cranny of it to the sorry and bewildered traveler before releasing him back to the wild. I think all that man wanted to do now was get home to his children and hug his wife.

From here we all, including Mohawks new besty, headed out onto the dirt with Mohawk in the lead and besty at the rear. It was muddy and slippery in some parts but we were going nicely I thought till that Sydney show pony upped the anti. That cocky little upstart skirted around me like I still had my kickstand down and left Grizzly behind soon after that. Mohawk spotted him coming up fast behind but thought it must be Lucky (an easy mistake given the impressive speed he was hitting) and set a quicker pace but, sadly, had to stop for another wee. By this stage Grizzly’s botbot was hurting again so Lucky kindly agreed to look for a nice spot for the two elderly gentlemen and their ablutions.

“Oh yeah. Nice steady stream there. Now I just have to count to ten before putting it away”

And there’s Grizzly smiling through the pain.

Those DR seats sure look uncomfortable dont they? Still, I think it might be funny if Grizzly’s nethers got so sore he had to ride sidesaddle. Now that’s a photo opportunity. All in all we had fun and a nice pie at Jerry’s as well. We all came home safely and Lucky immediately set to cleaning and shining his bike. You know it wouldn’t hurt either of those other two grubs to wash some of the last few years dirt off theirs too. The dam is half full now you know. Yeah you too Nige.

4 Responses to “Prostates and Prolapses.”

  1. Great report Lucky… even longer than the ride itself. Plenty of poetic licence but no rhyming couplets. What is going on in the English Dept. I did wash my bike so do I receive a promotion from Grub to Dickhead. Of course Nige will always be a Grub.

  2. Well done, no-one fell down …. what an achievement 🙂
    I am quite happy with the patina on all of my bikes thank you although at the moment, it certainly has not been from too much riding.
    I am happy to be both a grub and a dickhead.

  3. Yeah….well….look…struggling with the conscience here a bit because mine hasn’t really been washed either. That just leaves Grizzly to reply but i know his would be a real dog’s breakfast. Only gayblades wash their KLunkeRs Mohawk. I’m a bit whichever way the wind is blowing these days aren’t I?

  4. Sorry! Not familiar with Nige system of ranking.
    Gayblade follows Grub… I stand corrected.
    President, then Gayblade, then Grub…. got it.

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