A Chookie in the Watagans

What again? Yeah nice pun Lucky. Anyhoo Nige and Lucky headed off to the hills for a nice dirt ride on Sunday. Mohawk was an early withdrawal suffering a flat rear tyre. Etiquette dictates that good friends and long time mates would wait with him till the NRMA arrived. We didn’t and both of us felt pretty bad that we didn’t. We got over it though. The road itself was a mess having been washed out by the rains but Nige appeared blissfully unaware of the horrific ditches and exposed boulders threatening to turn us upside down and simply set his usual devil-may-care pace. Lucky meanwhile spent two harrowing hours crying quietly but manfully into his helmet and only wiped his tears aside when Nige, who waited patiently at various intervals (I told you in an earlier report how that new GSA had made him a kinder and gentler man), would ask him how much fun this was. “Every rides a good ride Nige” But Lucky was just putting on a very brave face. I should point out in my own defense that there were pools of water so deep across the roads that they had their own tides and I’m pretty sure one of them had a jetty.

I think we might find some road over there Lucky.

I think if we ride up this log Lucky we'll be back on the road

Here we are after riding to the top of the log

We made it through to the main road and immediately headed to Jerrys like two muddy homing pigeons. “Maaaaaaate” Jerry announced happily on sighting Nige before suggesting he should ride on to the next cafe. It’s strange how often that happens. Nevertheless, we enjoyed a few coffees and talked further about the superbike trip before heading home to our beloveds. Lucky immediately washed and polished his KLunker and deeply apologised for the abuse it had endured that day, wrapping it in cotton wool and then gently covering it with its blanky. Nige probably beat his almost to death with a tree branch and then just bullied it to the dustiest corner of his garage without so much as a howdyoudo.

It was still a great ride.

One Response to “A Chookie in the Watagans”

  1. I think that we were both ‘Lucky’ to get out alive. It was only the great skill of both riders that averted a possible tragedy, there should be a law against such things.
    It has been suggested that the Mo of Hawk deflated his own tyre for fear that he may not have been able to endure the hardships that you did Lucky.
    My KLunkeR is sitting in the same place and in the same condition it was in when I rode it home (no blanky).

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