Nige AGM Heralds in a New Era

No not really. But five Niges did get to eat food and drink beer…again…and nobody was asked to leave. Mohawk arrived on time and was beautifully turned out in a lovely black and green ensemble that was elegant and tasteful and which really highlighted his natural tones. Andy Pandy looked a picture in smart casual topped off with a stunning coiffure boasting some lovely grey highlights whilst Lucky, ever aware of the importance of the occasion, arrived in a classic over-the-shoulder grey and red number with a wonderful and whimsical Moto GP cameo embroidered on the chest in a thematic display that captured the evenings celebrations perfectly. Black Santa, as always, was resplendent in sky blue cotton that few could pull off and yet it just worked and he drew many an admiring glance. Nige went for a classic blue jeans and cardy that screamed ” I wear what I want and I dare you to question me”. Nobody did.

A small section of a much larger group of Niges who were just out of the picture

The ever present threat of women accompanying their partners was quietly put to rest last night when Julianne and Carole made tentative approaches to joining the soiree but were quickly dealt with and should not be a problem in future. It was further agreed under paragraph 7 sub-section 6b that, ‘…in special circumstances wives and/or partners may be granted temporary admission to a club meeting if they are required to carry an ‘unwell’ member to their usual place of abode.” Most members agreed that this had some merit.

Nige raised the question of how much beer is enough and cautioned Lucky to lift his game as, in Nige’s opinion, Lucky was letting himself down personally by limiting his drinking to only how much he could actually store in his person at any given point in time. Lucky pointed out that his capacity to swell to the required expectations of Nige could be life threatening and also made him feel yukky.

Mohawk continues to develop his skills in betting and made some pretty impressive near-wins throughout the night. You have to admire the way his forefinger on the right hand instinctively moves over a touch screen to find so many horses that finish a race with such a stunning view of so many other horses arses.

After a few beers we adjourned to the restaurant. Lucky and Mohawk ordered the pork ribs which appeared to have been roasted under the primary engines of a Saturn 5 rocket. “Barely chewable” was Lucky’s only comment. Andy Pandy seemed to enjoy his schnitzel but I think he would have been just as happy eating jam out of a glass jar with a trowel. Nige’s approach to his meal was tradesman like but not overly impressive. DD, mindful of his boyish figure, had a light salmon salad. Kudos to you Dave.

Magnificent examples of manhood

Sexier members spotted in the crowd.

Why are all those other Niges standing over there just out of shot?

The night ended pleasantly enough. Lucky had organised transportation for Nige, Andy Pandy and himself. Dramatically though, Nige took a maverick exit and was last seen striding purposefully towards Earl Street. Perhaps he had one finger raised in silent salute, perhaps not. He remains an enigma.

2 Responses to “Nige AGM Heralds in a New Era”

  1. You really do have way too much time on your hands.

    Poor numbers but a quality field.

  2. “Nige …….. remains an enigma”
    Enigmas throughout the land are outraged at this statement. They have initiated a class actio…. sorry. That’s the echidnas.

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