Lucky Down

A beautiful day greeted the full complement of active Nige riders, Lucky, Sideways and Nige for a sedate ride to Bylong for lunch.

All started well with the techno twins hooking up their ghetto blasters to their new, you-beaut moulded ear speakers from the Bike Show.

Lucky took point and we were moving along at a nice pace when Lucky started singing along to Celine Dion and was distracted enough to miss the last corner heading to the bridge on the way to Broke.

Fortunately, Golden Boy fell fairly softly in the mud and Lucky bounced up like a squash ball, just checking out who had seen his embarrassing moment.

How easily it happens, water on the road and whoooshka.

A ‘Busa in the bush. Certainly not its best angle.

Like all good toys, stood it up and kicked it in the gutz and away it went. Nothing was actually broken but every panel down the right hand side was scratched or cracked.

Lucky checking to see if there was any chance of replaying that Celine Dion track.

The H2O factor and the bend now known as Lucky’s Corner. It seems we have named most of the corners on this road.

Got to Bylong and filled up but there were at least a thousand other people there and so we decided to head back to Denman for a beer and lunch at the pub.

One of the Harley dudes at Bylong asked if Lucky had been using the ‘Busa for motocrossing.

Pouring rain and blowing a gale at Broke whilst Lucky ‘broke’ the news to Missus Lucky about Mighty Boy hitting the deck.

Sideways had blasted by as we turned down Wallaby Scrub Road so hope he got home nice and dry.

Pissed down most of the way home through Cessnock, Freemans Waterhole and down the Freeway. Cars everywhere, there must have been a prang on the F3.

One Response to “Lucky Down”

  1. My bottom hurts. Thanks Nige and Sideways for helping me pick up golden boy. Still had a great ride and a fast one too. Gotta love those big bikes. Rain was a pain but every rides a good ride. Celine Dion paaaalease!! Well maybe one or two tracks and so what, she’s very pretty.

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