Expo 2011

I know of seven Niges who didn’t get a wink of sleep on Friday night because they were so excited about our adventure to Sydney the next day. By the time we met at maccas we were all throwing high fives willy nilly all over the store and had to be calmed down by Mohawk with a “Steady lads steady” and an orderly paired up hands held walk to the awesomeness that is his four wheel drive. With our little heads still spinning from the hazelnut lattes and such we took our allocated positions. You know, back in Roman times you could tell who was important by their positions in the local amphitheatre; Mohawks bus was like that: Local elite (Nige and Mohawk) up front, common citizenry (Sideways Bob, Andy Pandy, and Ant) in the next row and then waaaaaaay back behind them in the little dicky seats with their knees up under their chins all the way there and back was Black Santa and Lucky. This is where the women and slaves would have been seated back in the day. From the front they looked like two giant bugs splattered on the rear windscreen – it was very sad.

I feel quite regal up here.

Aww geez how come Nige gets front seats.

Quiet newbey or I'll put you up back with those bugs.

We found our way to the show and headed straight to the showbag pavillion. Some of us scored some pretty natty blue bags i might tell you. Bike after bike was examined and dismissed. Andy Pandy was very keen on some trailies and both Nige and Mohawk joined him for a scoot around the dirt sections. Ant kept gravitating towards the cruisers and fell hard for a big Trumpy and then a bigger Victory. Might have to keep a fatherly eye on him i think. Black Santa just disappeared for hours ( I think he was checking out whether those QBE girls were being naughty or nice.) Meanwhile Sideways Bob and Lucky just drank it all in. Nige kept thinking and pondering about his new ride and then Zippy turned up too. We all went to lunch and it was good. Real good.

Yeah great food and at a good price too!!

Why we're as cute as a duck in a hat.

Great choice of restaurant fellas.

Lucky looks like he rode down on top of the bus

Everything is better with beer

After lunch we all headed back to the show but pretty scared because our pass out stamps had faded and we were frightened they wouldn’t let us back in. We are a bit soft like that. Anyway we stormed the gates in an unlikely show of strength bullying our way past the elderly security guard and we again high fived ourselves all over the place for our bravery till Nige reminded us about our arthritis, emphasimas, siatic pains, etc and that we need to quieten down again. So off we went to look at that Super Tenere. Now Nige didn’t buy it but Jason the sales guy seemed pretty confident he could talk him round at some later point. Stay posted for that one. Black Santa still looking at the Beemers but I think he may have taken a sneaky test ride on the Busa while on his secret sabbatical from the tribe earlier in the day. Keep on eye on him too.

Ooohhh I just love this

Yeah I love these big red Suzukis

After a busy day we all went home. Ant fell asleep on the way back and some of the fellas may have taken some unfair advantages of him but that’s a story for another day.

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