Lucky and Andy get all dusty.

Sunday was a beautiful morning except for the drizzle. So nothing new there. Now Lucky felt the urge to head towards Wiseman’s Ferry and sent a very late message out to Nige to see if he and other Niges might like to take the dirt bikes out for a spin. Too late sadly so Andy and I set off out past Jerrie’s and onto the dirt road that winds its way south west to St Albans Common. By 9ish the skies had cleared and the dirt was dry so we could reach awesome speeds of nearly 70kph. Andy seemed to know what he was doing out front so I just tagged in behind him and neither of us fell off. Lots of kangaroos and photo opportunities all of which Andy happily ignored. Anyways we eventually found a nice spot next to a stream and stopped to dust ourselves off and congratulate ourselves on how great we are at everything we do. That might have been more me than Andy now I think about it. From here we headed on to Wisemans Ferry and up through Spencer and home again by about 1. I really like that KLunkeR and I think Andy would marry his Doctor 650 if it wasn’t against the laws of God, man, and decency.

Andy seems serene out here

Look at me ma..all upright and everything

Interesting pub but the owner wasn't real friendly.

One Response to “Lucky and Andy get all dusty.”

  1. Lucky, I just can’t believe how good you are at doing things and the skill you display in all things motorcycle 🙂
    Presidential elections on the horizon??
    Sorry I missed this ride, it appears that you may have discovered a road previously not known to civilized man and that pub … wow! … do you remember its name and how to find it again?

    Seriously though, good report and good photos. Pleased to see someone else posting a few things. Did you end up getting new hoops on the KLunkeR?

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