Five to Dubbo – October 2017

Well Nige, Mohawk, Ant, Sideways Bob, and Lucky breezed into Dubbo Saturday afternoon to howls of disapproval from worried locals. However after some stern instructions from President Nige about following local customs and respecting the native wildlife all Niges except for Nige behaved beautifully. The Castlereagh Hotel provided good rooms and a hot breakfast for only $50 so that was good. I thought their roast dinners were a bit teensy weensy but Ant had the foresight to upsize his which brought some concern from the kitchen staff and a bit of a delay in the delivery. In fact Ant’s meal arrived about the same time ours was venting like the woodwind section of an Andre Rieu orchestra.
Anyhoo after a good night’s sleep by some we left early next morning for a quick ride round central NSW highlighted by a visit to the Parke’s radio telescope. Although we gave Nige a bit of grief about the visit we found it worthwhile and supports that whole thing about how boys like their toys.

Lucky (Toecutter) watching the Ninja disappear on the road to Yeoval.

Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth

Did you see me on my muscle bike Nige..did ya?

A handsome man spotted in Mudgee

One of about three hundred stops for wees and such

Two handsome men somewhere near Kulnura

A good ride home over dry roads and blue skies. Obligatory stop at Jerries and many warnings about Mr Plod hiding down the road in the school 40k zone. And he was too. That saved us a few hunj fo showa. Overall we all had a lot of fun and I’m not sure but but I wouldn’t be surprised if one Ninja rider may soon be spending some time in certain Suzuki shops negotiating a good price on the worlds greatest motorcycle. (Beginning with the letter H and ending in A with ayabus in the middle). End of unbiased report by Lucky.

A few extra photos from Nige

A pair of early morning happy campers.

A bit of an unruly crowd at Bylong

Bloody mobile phones in the middle of bloody nowhere.

Lucky and his mistress …. errr …. I mean iPhone

Out the back of the Castlereagh ready for a day 2 blat.

He’s such a happy chap. Drinking coffee at Molong after a long wait.

4 Responses to “Five to Dubbo – October 2017”

  1. Oh yeah great write up Lucky. You really captured the essence of the ride.

  2. Lucky ya forget to mention how well Mowhawk and I did with our punting. And remember always wait till the light turns green before moving off, or you could be hit by a car or a train

  3. There are far toooooo many details left out of this report for it to even rate a mark. I think a special paragraph should have been dedicated to explaining the nanny hours kept by some of the riders and their general lack of consumption of $3.50 schooners (beaten by an even better $2.50 schooner at the Dubbo Razzle Dazzle) AND their inability to beat a couple of old blokes at a simple game of pool.

  4. Great write up Lucky!
    Most important and notable was the fact that 5 to Dubbo and 5 back!!! A rarity for a Nige run.

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