
Five lucky Niges set out on a beautiful day for the hamlet of Bylong. Some things were fantastic, some things …. not quite so good.

Sideways looking very dangerous whilst the two in the background … well …

It was generally decided that Sideways had got the full value out of this tyre. It had looked like this for most of the way to Bylong and had spun at a reasonably quick rate to boot.

He decided to head home by the most direct route and to take it easy (this was Sideways remember, take it easy …yeh, right)

Lucky attempting to breed with the Ninja, we all know that he just wants one.

Were these happy faces an omen for what was soon to happen?

At the end of every scrape in the road there is always a story.

A sad sight down at the bottom of a very steep embankment wedged against a tree and the fence.

We had to  drag it up the bank with the winch.

Up the top and I couldn’t hold it up any longer and down it went again.

Killswitch overshot the slightly off-camber corner and the CBF1000 turned into a off-roader.

Amazingly, John came out of it a bit battered and bruised after belting into a tree but still intact.

Riding with good quality safety gear is just a no-brainer.

Killswitch will live to ride again 🙂

Wonder how the bike will fare?

One Response to “Bylong”

  1. Wow no skid mark! none on the outside anyway.
    Many thanks to Geoff & Brian for a great job helping the Honda & Rider during and after the the slight deviation from the planned ride.
    I’m a bit sore but Doc says all OK.
    Still waiting on prognosis for Honda which is on life support at present. keep you informed, thanks again.

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