Holiday Ride

Plenty of advance notice on planned 3 day ride in the second week of the NSW school holidays.
Approx. 3rd/4th/5th of October depending on availability.
Destination … ? maybe back up into Queensland … ? Ideas … ?

4 Responses to “Holiday Ride”

  1. 3rd of Oct is my beloved’s birthday, but might be able to work around it. prhaps a 2-dayer for me, which has worked ok in the past.
    By the way, any advice on tyres for my BM? I’m up for some soonish.

  2. Keys, dates are VERY rubbery [heh! heh! heh!], more a show of interest at this stage.

    As to your tyres, I have only been hearing great things about the new Michelin Pilot Road 3.
    I, personally, have just ordered a coupla sets of Avon Storm 2 Ultra from the States and have been running those on the Ninja (gotta love that 200 rear tyre).

  3. Keys
    Round & black is the way to go.
    Pilot Road 3 are too exxy.
    Try Michellin Z6 or Pilot Road 2 which are both good tyres and will cost less and go further.
    When you get a fast bike like Nige’s,I might change my recommendation. I wonder what we can get in a 210 tyre?

  4. How about Charleville?, or Quilpie? just west of it, I’ve made it to Toowomba in 12 hours in the rain, on the mighty V Star

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