Economy Mode

Kawasaki have found a new way to save fuel, simply travel on a tow truck.

Rear tyre on the Ninja suffered catastrophic damage on the way out to Jerries and required a truck ride and a new tyre.

A really helpful guy stopped and optimistically attempted to plug the gash and inflate the tyre but with no luck. Thank you for your efforts anyway.

Went for a pillion ride with Killswitch to save even more fuel 🙂

Moral to the story: Make sure you have some sort of Roadside Assist.

2 Responses to “Economy Mode”

  1. Hope you still got your cup of lava java. (I just made that up now) I guess that 200 tyre was ordered just in time eh. That Bulga ride was great fun though. Will you bo right by the weekend?

  2. All sorted and back home in the garage.
    Where are we off to on Sunday?

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