Toolman Rides Again

Tim the Toolman took a few cronies for a bit of a blat up the putty road to our favourite Singleton Pub.
Beers were drunk, stories were told and then we came home 🙂

Berowa Waters Ferry crossing, the first shot of Spaceman on a ride and TNT on his new wheels.


Gazza informed us that the Half Way Roadhouse on Putty Road had burned down and so we lunched at Windsor after discovering that the Sackville Ferry had broken down. Sideways (aka Trailer) was so excited by the news that he forgot to check that his feet still touched the ground 🙂


Parked outside the burned out roadhouse for a break, TNT’s pretty blue handgrips were turning him numb 🙂


Yep, it sure is closed but the toilets were something to behold 🙁


Outside the ‘no longer famous’ Cockfighters Tavern at Bulga where Killswitch sneaks carefully up on his brand spanking new CBF 1000 (that is now NOT covered by warranty 🙂 )


Spaceman and Trailer Bob outside the rooms.


Undercover for the bikes. Killswitch got an earlier start.


Big Gazza doing a pre-flight.


What happens to a ST mirror whan you forget how long your legs are.


Breakfast at Jerrys and then everyone headed home.

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