Sundae Ride Report

Beautiful day. SMS tells me that Killswitch in out with ‘a sore ankle’. So much for ‘rain, hail or shine’. In the words of the immortal…. “MAN UP!” You only need one leg to ride a bike.
Brizzer and Sideways were up to the task, so we headed off through ‘the Bong”, to Freemans then on to Cessnock Airport Cafe for morning tea. Off through the wineries to Broke, and on to Wollembi for a cold drink. Along the twisties to Kulnura where Brizzer left to see a mate. Sideways and I went home via Yarramalong. A great ride with some great fellows. Let’s do it all again soon.


Is that better?

One Response to “Sundae Ride Report”

  1. I actually think the words are, ‘Man the f#ck up’ but anyway ……..
    Not one of you troglodytes could take a photo?
    Briz, ‘Do drop in’ is up to his old tricks eh?

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