Day 98 KI Second Day

Well, what can I say?

Spent the day being driven around the island without really seeing much of anything.


For a place that is promoted as nature’s wonderland, it was almost impossible to spot anything that was alive. The enormous koala population was decimated during the 2007 bushfires and I think the other purported critters are imaginary.


This was, seriously, as close as you were allowed to get to the seals at Seal Bay, it was $27.50 for the privilege of being this ‘close’.


Next was the ‘Birds of Prey’ presentation, at least they were alive if not free. I did see a kookaburra do an amazing thing with its head, basically the body can be going in many directions but the head will stay perfectly still, quite bizzare to watch.


Moving right along to ‘Remarkable Rocks’ that weren’t really.



Final destination was ‘Admiral’s Arch’ that was exactly like it looked in photos.



Have booked on the 10:30am ferry to leave the island, not sure where I will get to tomorrow.

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