Had to Happen

This is what happens when you use a 250kg sports bike as a dirt bike.

Riding along minding my own business (mainly ’cause there is only me) when the road opened up (friggen’ mud under the top crust) and tried to swallow my poor little ‘Bird.


Arse over head and came down with a big thud.


Ever tried to lift one of these things upright while sliding around in the mud that brought it down?


Came down real hard on my shoulder and the bike landed on my thigh so I am a bit sore, hand got jammed under the bar end and I leaked the usual amount of claret.

‘Bird is pretty knocked around, scratched and bent down the fairings and mountings, right hand mirror is smashed and the housing hosed, rear blinker bent but I picked the bike up, hit the go button and away it went.


My efforts to get the bike out and, as you can tell, there was not a lot of help around. The mud was just under the crust, got me a beauty. Where’s a KLR when you need one?

4 Responses to “Had to Happen”

  1. So the Bird’s down and what are you doing?
    Taking pictures!
    There’s probably just a scratch under all that blood.
    Hope you cleaned it well and disinfected it?
    I have been saying RIDE SAFE!
    Looks like the mud was well disguised under that crust though.
    At least it looks like you weren’t fully loaded up at the time.
    Again. Take care!!!!
    More Care!!!!!

  2. That road would have caught anyone (except a local), bad luck Nige, if it had of been me they’d be findin my skeleton bout now, the st weighs 300ks, and u no wot they say, stay with your vehicle, thats wot u get for not tellen me how fast u got booked for. catch a goanna and drain the oil out for that hand. anyhoot look on the bright side, if u had to off better in dirt than on tar. ps if that oil don’t do any good try a fanny poltice, minute in minute out and repeat. looken at ya sideways

  3. What are you on Sideways?

  4. I’m with you Mohawk, I’ll take a packet of whatever they are 🙂

    I’d be thinkin’ that the best place to fall off is neither the dirt nor tar, maybe off a nice nubile nymphet or not at all.

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