Jabiru to Mataranka Day 39

Packed all the bits up at Jabiru (still filthy hot and tent pole broken again) and headed offย  down the return leg of the Kakadu Highway to Pine Creek and Katherine.


Fuelled up and thought about where I was going, who cares? and headed to Mataranka. Staying at the same place as Briz and Ivan and will try and repair my tent while I am here. Yes, the walls really are made of rammed earth.



Followed the trail of the great white hunter and went out to visit Mataranka Springs and had a lovely swim at Bitter Springs (after forking out for new goggles at the Mataranka Store as my other new ones were now at Woongarah ๐Ÿ˜‰ )


A snake skin waiting for me on the bin outside the shop.



The steps to climb out after coming down stream with the current, the path back to the start was sharp rocks and after spending time in the warm water, feet were way too soft for the task and so I had to swim back up against the current.


Brian already posted heaps of photos of Mataranka Springs so my photo is of the flying foxes that were everywhere as was all their juices ๐Ÿ™

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