Darwin Day 34

Heard from Boof last night and they were at Winton (where it was cool), heading to Carnarvon Gorge today.

Off having a further look around Darwin (it really is a small place) and found an outdoor theatre similar in concept toΒ  Sun Pictures in Broome.


Went down to Fisherman’s Wharf.


and then to Darwin Waterfront


that has the beach area


and the Wave Pool (makes waves for 20mins, rests for 10mins and is able create a variety of wave types)




Went back in to town and met the owner of this bike and had a chat for a while. He has ridden up the coast from Sydney and was looking for a backpacker’s for the night.


Found a barber and motorcycle only parking. Gotta love a good haircut and a special place to park πŸ˜‰ Maintaining the Nige ‘No Smile Policy’ even on tour.


Took my snazzy haircut for a ride out Berrimah and to the Hidden Valley Racetrack.



5 Responses to “Darwin Day 34”

  1. Good to see you FINALLY getting into the spirit of the blog thing Nige!
    “Briz NEARLY caught half the population of the river” and sooo accurate too!
    Keep it coming mate.
    I can’t add pics again.
    Travel SAFE.

  2. “Did I mention it was hot” Now you’re stealing my lines!

  3. We are at Emerald and heading to Carnarvon Gorge tomorrow.
    Have covered over 2500km last 3 days.
    Take care.
    Did I mention I can’t add pics again.
    You must have had some time on your hands to add all those pics and comments.

  4. Maybe you were stealing my lines πŸ™‚ and it still is hot up here.
    Try going back to your smaller photos again and see if that helps.
    Those sort of kms are reminiscent of my trip over, hard yakka.
    Hope you and Ivan are still having a great time, you’ll be home in no time.

  5. That head shot makes it look like u’ve added xtra load for the bird, or is it an illusion from the haircut?. sent u a cupla travlin tips on the eemail. followin the course closely, still green with nv. hav ta wait till my opatunity come into frewison. stay off the edges!. s,ways

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