Katherine to Darwin Day 32

Took ages to pack up this morning. It was the first time that I had to get EVERYTHING on the ‘Bird, even my little suppository stool ๐Ÿ™‚ and of course it was hot.

Unbelievably, I ran into the Kiwis at Pine Creek (who decided that we were miscreants) who were on their way back to Darwin to return their hire 4WD. They sought me out to get the address ofย  NIGE ๐Ÿ™‚

Steady ride up to Darwin, even took a scenic route where I rediscovered that some roads even have bends in them.

Came across a burnt out semi so got the ‘Bird to pose.


There was even a sign warning me about the dangers.


Early impression of Darwin is ‘Where is it?’ and why does everyone speak with an Irish accent?


The digs for the next couple of days, better than the tent.

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