Katherine Gorge (Nitmiluk) Day 31

Filthy hot again but had to get up early anyway to catch bus for the ride up to Katherine Gorge. Said our farewells briefly (bit sad) because when I come back they will be gone.

Did a tour of the first three gorges but to honest, I was a bit underwhelmed. Guess it takes a lot to ‘whelm’ me 🙂


Chatted to a nice Irish backpacker on the ride back into town who had just been given work out at the Park. She had a VERY broad accent I ‘tink. The world over here seems to full of the Irish.

Got back to camp and as expected, the chainsaw twins had left and also the guy who had been next door. All my gear was still intact and that was a very good thing but it all looked very forlorn 🙁


Spent the rest of the day trying to fill in time, what did we do when we were a group? Got bored enough that I even went in to town and washed the ‘Bird.


Off to Darwin tomorrow but there has been talk here of rain up north……

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