Broome Day ?

Left Barn Hill station camp today via the same sandy, red dirt goat track that took us in there but managed it much better at a slightly slower speed.

Rode into Broome via some very ordinary landscape to find an equally ordinary town, hopefully it will improve as we are to spend four days here.

Booked in to our accommodation early and then went for a trip in to town to have lunch, first Subway we have seen for a while. Ivan and I walked back home and took the opportunity to buy a few needed things while Briz picked Helen up from the airport (that is smack in the middle of town!!)

We walked in and had a look the open air theatre that was used in the movie ‘Australia’.


Some statues in Chinatown.


The ‘inside’ of the theatre.


The ‘outside’ of the theatre.


Ivan near my first boab tree.

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