Canberra and Home Again the LONG way.

Arrived at Stanwell Tops

We arrive at Stanwell Tops.

If the three stooges got out of the way you’d see……

If the three stooges would get out of the way …..


…this.’d see this.

We arrive at our motel in Queanbeyan.

After a great ride from Bateman’s Bay we arrive at our motel in Queanbeyan.

Where Nige behaves like this……..

Where Nige behaves like this ……

…and poses in his new hat….

… poses for a photo in his new hat and ….

..and can’t believe how much mess we can create from the contents of two motorcyles!

..can’t believe what a mess we can make with the contents of two motorcycles.

Nige promises to shout Briz entry to Telstra Tower (BUT DOESN’T).

Nige promises to shout Briz entry into Telstra tower to while away some evening time. (But he doesn’t!!)

A pensive Nige surveys our nation’s capital but ……

Nige surveys his nation’s capital but …..

..on a (neccessary) call of nature discovers someone else is using his club logo.

…later, on a long overdue call of nature, discovers someone else has found a use for his motorcycle club logo.

2 Responses to “Canberra and Home Again the LONG way.”

  1. Excellent job Briz, looks like you got the hang of it just fine. There is some dubious commentary but I will forgive the inaccuracies in the name of Clubmanship 🙂

  2. Great photos though I am a little concerned with the number of images of Nige with his clothes off! Briz/Nige is there something you want to tell us?

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