During the Nige M/C club sub-committee Fishing Club meeting, it was decided that Monday 18th would be kick off at 08:30 sharp from Maccas Nth bound twin servo. I’ll be there at 08:00 if anyone wants to join up for a coffee before kick-off. Heading for overnight stay in Grafton first night. Some of the […]

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Fish Identity

Caught this today on the Hawksbury (Mohawk caught nothing!!) Can anyone tell me what it is??

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Proposed ride before ‘the ride’ – ride

Proposing a ‘short’ ride before the big ride up north to my sister’s farm-stay. Leaving Monday 11th Jan – about a 4 hour ride (if you go straight there – longer if we want) to stay o/nite & return back to Coast on Tuesday 12th. We can go either Golden Hwy to Merriwa or New […]


Transformation Begins

After arduous days on the tools and spray can, the transformation has begun. The flat bars streamline the front end 🙂 Pity the throttle now no longer returns but gee, they look good. Scrounger adopts a new riding position to reflect the café racer beast throbbing beneath him. Note the fresh paint on the rocker […]

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Bike in Bits 2

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Bike in bits

Currently have the bike stripped down for new paint job. Waiting for day of low humidity. Also have back wheel removed to get new tyre fitted. Hopefully all will be ready for New England ride.

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Happy New Year Nige’s

Happy New Year to all members and hangeroners [you know who you are 🙂 ] Talks are underway for a trip to the Superbikes at Phillip Island (26-28th Feb) with an extension to do a few extra days riding a lap of Tasmania. Obviously, the same meticulous planning as usual 🙂 needs to happen as […]

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