Darwin Day 33

Went back out to the Honda dealer who had a quick look at the ‘Bird and bodged a few loose things up for me, couldn’t source a new back tyre so will have to wait until I hit Alice Springs. Went out to Howard Springs (early water supply for Darwin) for a look, springs seem […]

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Katherine to Darwin Day 32

Took ages to pack up this morning. It was the first time that I had to get EVERYTHING on the ‘Bird, even my little suppository stool 🙂 and of course it was hot. Unbelievably, I ran into the Kiwis at Pine Creek (who decided that we were miscreants) who were on their way back to […]

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Katherine Gorge (Nitmiluk) Day 31

Filthy hot again but had to get up early anyway to catch bus for the ride up to Katherine Gorge. Said our farewells briefly (bit sad) because when I come back they will be gone. Did a tour of the first three gorges but to honest, I was a bit underwhelmed. Guess it takes a […]

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Katherine Day 30

Filthy hot night so woke up covered in sweat, Brian was already down at the spring and Ivan soon followed. We frolicked 🙂 for a while and then came back to camp for a bacon and egg breakfast. Got organised and headed off to Edith Falls that is up from Katherine Gorge and swam and […]

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Katherine Day 29

Woken up early by Big Nev packing up to leave so we also got away pretty early, it was still bloody hot. Crossed the border into Northern Territory. Rode to Timber Creek pretty hard, leaving the Chainsaw Twins behind. Arrived at Katherine where, surprisingly, it was hot. Set up camp and went for a swim […]

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Wyndham Day 28

Went for a ride to Wyndham, the knowledgeable one tells me it is the most northern town in WA. All I know is it was an interesting place. Stopped in at ‘The Grotto’, another great little natural phenomenom that required a fair effort to climb down to and up from. Arrived back at Kurunurra and […]

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Windjana Gorge Day?

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Kununurra Day 28

Left Spring Creek and rode to Kunanurra.

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Kununurra Day 27

Chainsaw Twins saves a flying fox certainly from death after it was caught on barbed wire and then I rode to Kunanurra, Briz had a blowout before Turkey Creek Roadhouse. Shit ‘appens.

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Spring Creek Day ???

Did nothing

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